The Gutenberg Research College (GRC) is organized as a college of outstanding academic fellows. The Executive Committee consists of members of the university and of external research institutes that closely cooperate with JGU. The Executive Committee takes all decisions concerning the GRC. It recommends potential fellows to the President and decides upon the amount of their financial support.
The Academic Advisory Council follows the work of the GRC and advises its Executive Committee.
The members of the Executive Committee are appointed by the President in consultation with the Senate. The faculties and collaborative research projects are entitled to nominate members. The Executive Committee elects the Academic Advisory Council. Membership in the Executive Committee and in the Academic Advisory Council is temporary as is the GRC fellowship itself. Each board member is elected to one three year term. While board members can be elected to multiple terms, only one of the terms can be successive. Only in exceptional cases, where the members have joined the Executive Committee at the end of a three year term, a second re-relection is possible.