News & Events


How TikTok & Co are shaping cultural production

RMU project CEDITRAA on Africa and Asia research extended – GRC member Matthias Krings as co-speaker ...

Stones and structures throughout Germany dating to the Roman period are being documented in a long-term research project

A catalog of Roman stone architecture, comprising 25,000 individual stones and 5,000 structures, to be made publicly available in a digital edition – GRC Fellow Johannes Lipps involved as project manager ...

Nearly EUR 10 million for joint project in particle and gravitational wave physics

Former GRC Fellow Matthias Schott collaborates in the European Research Council's Synergy Grants program with partners from JGU and other research institutions ...

Cobalt-copper tandem converts carbon dioxide to ethanol

Positioning cobalt and copper in close proximity on an electrode facilitates selective conversion of the greenhouse gas CO2 to ethanol / Sustainability in the focus of the chemical research by GRC Fellow Carsten Streb ...

How fruit flies achieve accurate visual behavior despite changing light conditions

GRC Fellow Marion Silies identifies neuronal networks and mechanisms that show how contrasts can be rapidly and reliably perceived even when light levels vary ...

"The gut microbiota in thrombosis"

GRC fellow Christoph Reinhardt publishes article in Nature Reviews Cardiology ...

Cell Press selects GRC member Hanna Kokko as one of "50 Scientists that Inspire"

Humboldt Professor of JGU honored for her work in mathematical biology at the interface of ecology and evolution ...

A new way to measure ageing and disease risk with the protein aggregation clock

Proteins more accurately reflect the functional state of a cell / Publication in Nature Cell Biology by GRC fellow Dorothee Dormann and former GRC fellow Edward A. Lemke ...

New CRC 1660: Hadrons and Nuclei as Discovery Tools

Collaborative Research Centre at JGU's Institute for Nuclear Physics seeks new physical phenomena through a better understanding of strong interaction processes / GRC member Concettina Sfienti as speaker ...

"Women in Biosciences at JGU"

Video of JGU with GRC fellow Marion Silies ...

The summer of 2023 in large parts of the Northern Hemisphere was the hottest for more than 2,000 years

GRC fellow Jan Esper has produced evidence that global warming may be more extreme than has been assumed to date ...

Electrochemistry paves the way

Former GRC Director Siegfried Waldvogel and JGU colleagues develop sustainable synthesis method ...

Mainz University honors Johannes Kabatek with the 2024 Gutenberg Research Award

Most prestigious research prize of JGU is awarded to Romance Studies scholar from the University of Zurich ...

"Kinneret II: Results of the Excavations at Tell el-ʽOrēme, 1994–2008"

Publication of the Old Testament scholar and archaeologist Wolfgang Zwickel sponsored by a GRC fellowship Zielgerade ...

From the Mediterranean into the Atlantic: The Gibraltar Arc is migrating to the west

After a period of quiescence, the subduction zone under the Strait of Gibraltar will continue to invade the Atlantic Ocean – new geodynamic model by GRC Fellow Boris Kaus ...

Good prospects for altermagnets in spin-based electronics

Altermagnetic CrSb with promising characteristics for electronic applications – former GRC fellow Jairo Sinova part of the research team ...

New Center for Synthetic Genomics

Carl-Zeiss-Stiftung finances establishment of joint facility in Heidelberg, Karlsruhe, and Mainz with former GRC fellow Edward Lemke as part of the management committee ...

Festive opening of the Institute for Quantitative and Computational Biosciences

New interdisciplinary research platform to bring together excellent researchers from the life sciences and the natural sciences / Former GRC fellow Peter Baumann is founding director ...

Former GRC fellow Bruce Dingwell elected as Foreign Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences

High honor for the Director of the Department for Earth and Environmental Sciences at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München ...

Diet as a risk factor for multiple sclerosis

Former GRC fellow Detlef Schuppan proves worsening of MS symptoms due to ATI proteins from wheat ...

NeuroDevFunc joint project: Discovering how fruit flies process visual motion generated by self-movement

GRC fellow Marion Silies receives financing from ANR and DFG for Franco-German cooperation ...